Robert Kirkman Says The Walking Dead Trailer's Time Jump Is Supposed To Mess With Comic Fans...!

The Walking Dead's eighth season may in any case be a while away with the show returning in October, yet fans are as yet humming about the Comic-Con trailer that flaunted not only a contention amongst Negan and Rick's gathering, yet something unique also. Spoilers take after.

That would be an evident time hop, as the trailer closes with an injection of Rick looking years more established than we've at any point seen him with a thick dim whiskers and a stick adjacent.

Comic-perusers trust they comprehend what this is, a reference to a period bounce in the funnies that happens after the Negan war closes. The correct measure of time skipped is never indicated, yet it's somewhere close to 2-5 years, and it's sufficient for Carl to turn from child to adolescent in the funnies, and for Rick to age altogether, hampered by leg damage caused on him by Negan before his catch.

With the goal that's what this is, isn't that so? Not up until this point, says arrangement maker Robert Kirkman, addressing THR.

"You should be discussing that, and that is a captivating goody that we threw out there intentionally, and we're trusting that individuals keep on questioning how it is that fits into the storyline and what it is," said Kirkman. "Comic book fans know where a scene that resembled that would fall, however it likewise doesn't appear like we would be getting to that at this time in the event that you were a comic book fan, so there's a riddle to that."

Kirkman goes ahead to state that no, this won't be an unexpected bend where the time skip occurs in the season eight debut, and we will without a doubt be dealt with to the full span of the All Out War storyline. In any case, there are a few inquisitive things in this announcement.

The conspicuous thought for comic perusers was that either the time skip would occur in the middle of the season debut, after eight scenes of All Out War, or in the season finale. Kirkman says that while comic perusers "know where a scene that resembled that would fall," yet suggests that it won't fall where we think it will.

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