Walk Away from Partisanship

I've been watching videos from the #WalkAway movement.

A common thread in the videos is a growing distaste for partisanship.

The Democratic Party works hard to present an image of inclusiveness.

I imagine that the people who were drawn to the Democratic Party by this image must have a difficult time when they finally encountered the stark truth that the Democratic machine isn't fueled by inclusiveness, but is fueled by partisan division.

People use the term "liberal" in conjunction with the Democratic Party, but the party itself is an illiberal construction with illiberal goals.

The partisan right is unable to give the people who walk away what they really need because, in a partisan system, the two parties simply mirror each other.

I've been in an extremely deep funk for the last two years, because I've come to realize that the only way for the American people to come out of the deep dark malaise created by our political system is for people to find a way to directly confront the inherent negative nature of our partisan ideologies.

I wrote a presentation called "The Two Sides of the Coin" which examines the roots of the radical left and reactionary right.

The left and right came from the same source. The system where hyper-partisan pundits rip at each other's eyes was created by the enemies of freedom. The idea behind our partisan system is to mire the people in a culture war while the ruling elite sweeps up the spoils.

Unfortunately, the issue of base partisanship has me so depressed that I just fall into a haze when I start writing.

For example, one of the keys to understanding our current malaise is the unfortunate historical truth that the ideology called "conservatism" was created by the Tories. Conservatism was not created to conserve American liberties. It was created to conserve the social structure of feudalism. The current "conservative" ideology produced by Fox News (which is owned by Murdoch family) is infused with little traps that present Republicans from being able to restore liberty.

Anyway, I love the #WalkAway movement. This movement is by Democrats who challenged the core believes of the party and realized that the party is an illiberal construct.

But we can't solve the problem of partisan discord until we realize that radical left, reactionary right and dialectical center are all corrupt. The first step is to expose the corrupt nature of our partisan ideology. Once we've accomplished that task, we can move on to rediscover the roots of the American experiment in self rule and start to heel.


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