WhistleBlower dragged fro West Virginia State House

The corruption is so deep and blatant, it isn't even covered up anymore. I noticed the change in blatant actions like this about 15 years ago. The most interesting phenomenon to me was the adoption of the Whistle Blowers Protection Act.

As soon as all the whistleblowers started coming forward or leaking information to groups like WikiLeaks, the pushback began with Obama prosecuting more whistleblowers than any prior President in history. It was as if they enacted it to purposefully bring them out and prosecute them to send a message to not fuck with the deep state.

Jullian Assange of Wikileaks is still held up in the Ecuadorian Embassy for fear of extradition to the United States even though Trump stated a least five different occasions he "loved" Wikileaks, during his campaign.

So, I just have to ask two questions: 1. How many of you saps voting for either Barrack Obama or Donald Trump? 2. Do you think it would be any different if either Hillary Clinton or John McCain would have been elected instead?

So when people tell me they have "woken up" and are still buying the demopublican duopoly scam, it doesn't make me think fondly of them and more importantly, what makes them think they've been awoken.

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