VYBphoto ColorChallenge: Thursday Green and Gold.

Here is my Colour Photography for the World Famous VYBphoto #colorchallenge

Today is Thursday Green. #roygbiv …. G for Green or G for Gold ?

This is my Green pan that I use when panning for gold up in the Yukon. 🇨🇦

With some very nice Colour…. Gold. My favourite.

Have you ever gone prospecting up North ? I highly recommend it. Especially in the Yukon or British Columbia. Lots of placer Gold up there. When you are on a River filled with gold it’s easy to see why the price of Gold will never equal Bitcoin….. it seems like there is an infinite amount of Gold on this earth… and in all the meteors, comets, asteroids and stars in our Universe.

It’s fun looking over the old maps and then heading out with some well seasoned Prospector (with legitimate claims of course)

Always Verify your Claims … like you do on VYB !!!




Here we are panning some Paydirt back at the Lodge. Lots of gold !


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