Do you know the function of Hive Private Keys? Watch this👇

After you choose your username on Hive, a master password will be randomly generated for your account. You will see your password and four additional private keys. Never share your password and keys with anyone, make a screenshot or screen share it. You must keep it securely.

To learn how to save, manage and use your keys watch my NEW tutorial.


The posting key gives you access to all social actions, such as posting and commenting on Waivio and other Hive platforms, following friends, giving upvotes, claiming rewards, etc.

The active key gives you access to all the social actions and additionally to all the wallet actions, such as making and confirming financial transactions.

The owner key gives you access to all the social and wallet actions and additionally allows you to recover or change all the other keys. This key is important.

The memo key is used for decrypting private messages. It's not commonly used.

The master password is a seed phrase, which can be used to generate all the private keys. It is the most important of all because you can recover all the private keys from your account. Keep it safe as a backup for the account.


The first time you use to sign into a new Hive app, you will be required to use an Active key. This is a requirement of the Hive blockchain consensus.

When you log in again, even for a different device, you no longer have to use the Active key. You can use your Posting key if you do not intend to make money transfers on that device.

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