Egyptian Cardamom Coffee

Welcome to a simple yet aromatic morning ritual that will transport your senses straight to the heart of Egypt. This Egyptian Cardamom Coffee recipe from Allspice Institute offers an exotic twist to your regular coffee routine. Combining the robust flavors of coffee with the fragrant spice of cardamom and a hint of sweetness from orange blossom, this beverage is sure to become a staple in your morning repertoire.


- 1 cup of water

- 1 teaspoon heaped of cardamom-infused ground coffee

- 2-3 cardamom pods, bruised

- A drizzle of orange blossom water (optional)


1. Begin by filling your chosen coffee cup with water to measure the exact amount required and pour it into your coffee pot.

2. For the amount of liquid in the pot, add one heaped teaspoon of cardamom-infused ground coffee. This will ensure a rich and aromatic brew.

3. Take your cardamom pods and lightly bruise them to release their flavors; then add them to the pot.

4. Stir the mixture well, making sure that the ground coffee and cardamom are well combined with the water.

5. Place your coffee pot on low to medium heat and allow the ground coffee to heat gradually with the water and the bruised cardamom pods. Be patient and avoid boiling to prevent your coffee from becoming bitter.

6. Once the coffee is adequately heated and begins to emit a fragrant aroma, carefully pour the brew back into your coffee cup, avoiding any grounds that might escape.

7. For an added touch of sweetness and fragrance, add a drizzle of orange blossom water to your cup before sipping your coffee.

8. Enjoy your Egyptian Cardamom Coffee slowly, allowing the flavors to linger on your palate.

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 5-10 minutes

Total Time: 10-15 minutes

Equipment: Coffee cup, coffee pot, heat source.

Cooking Tips:

- Adjust the strength of your coffee according to your preferences by adding more or less coffee grounds.

- Ensure that the cardamom pods are just bruised and not crushed entirely to avoid an overpowering flavor.

Servings: 1 cup

From the aromatic kitchens of Allspice Institute, this Egyptian Cardamom Coffee promises a flavorful start to your day. For more interesting Mediterranean recipes, be sure to visit and subscribe to Allspice Institute’s YouTube channel -

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Cardamom Coffee

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