It is good to think of the time given by God, because there is no one thing God planned to end in vain


And when you question about your prayer that hasn't materialized yet, don't ever feel despair, just believe that Allah is preparing the best match for you.

You have to be patient, and of course patience isn't something easy right? But that's where you have to train your heart to continue to soften.
Because, have not met means that God is wanting you to linger venturing to Him about the feelings and mate you want later.

Calm down, because when you try and pray, at the same time God prepares what you ask and want.

Because God will not be silent when you pray for your soul mate, because God must have created a beautiful and best story for you.

Know, this is only about time, so be sincere for the time you think is long. Because, God knows better when you will be truly happy with his presence.

Do not feel bored waiting, because your waiting will end with a perfect happiness when you are able to survive with good prejudice to Him.

Rest assured, because if the right time according to God has arrived, then your soul mate will definitely come to pick you up.

So, don't worry about mate, because after all God knows when is the best time for you.

And for now, tempt God well and correctly. That is, prove to God that you deserve the best, with your perseverance waiting in self-improvement and kindness.

Pray without saturation, because surely God will receive every prayer that you offer Him perfectly.

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