True Power Belongs to the People: Nigeria pre-election write up

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What is power?

Oxford dictionary defines power as “The capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events.”

For the past few year, I have been an avid follower of the Nigeria political system, maybe it is due to the fact that I read newspapers a lot or just because I find the political system and climate funny with enough dramas to keep you on your toes throughout the year or just because I have always wanted to hold a position of power. Nevertheless I love politics as a whole. Also I wanted to join a political party to kick start my political ambition but I realized it was not worth the stress and the years it takes to get to a certain hierarchy is too much or you either have some funds to buy your way to some certain posts.

With the general election in a few days, the tension is high everywhere, political parties have intensify their campaigns with the incumbent making more promises without a laid out plan nor actions for the first three years of his tenure and the other aspirants coming up with voluminous promises without action plan on how to achieve it.

We have witness governments who get there and turn their back on the electorates only to come back during election period with wackass promises again and excuses on why they were not able to make an impact during their tenure, yet their lifestyle and some members of their family or relatives inclusive lives have changed for the best.

We have all assumed power belongs to the government; yes we might argue that and come up with enough examples to justify that but do we all assume that true power belongs to the government? We have seen in history books of how governmentsand monarchy were toppled over because the people living in those countries or periods or eras said no to it, so also have we seen people who come together in one voice and brought about a revolution in their state or country and probably installed a certain ruler. The most common one was when then Israelites said they were tired of being ruled by the prophets and decided to have a king like other nations around them and it worked out fire for them.

If only we can come together and show that we can actually make a change when we stand united and not see each other as competition, only then can we actually harness this power that belongs to us and make decisive programs that will affect our future as an individual and also our children.

And remember don’t sell your vote


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