Stand firm and encourage the positive attitude

Sometimes, bad things happen to good people.
I don’t know why. Life is not fair. That is the reality. Disease and accidents don’t care if their victim is a “good person.”
They have no reason, no justification, and no mercy. And even the best person you know can end up in the clutches of evil. And you cannot stop it.
So. What do you do?
Are you going to get angry? Frustrated?
Are you going to lash out at people?
Who are you going to lash out at?
Are you going to start going down the spiral of negativity?
Are you going to let the horrible situation dictate the way you feel and the way you handle it?
Are you going to fall over?
Fall down?
Fall apart?
Or are you going to lead?
Are you going to face this issue with courage and with resolution?
I say: Lead. Lead.
Step up. Be the one who people look to.
Absorb the impact and the negativity.
and then STAND FIRM. Yes: STAND FIRM .

When bad things are happening, be the one good thing, standing tall. That can be relied upon. Boosting those around you . And the positive attitude will spread. And they will also stand firm . And in fighting, you will win. If not the battle and if not the war, you will win:

Because you spirit will never surrender.
And that is the ultimate victory: To hold your head high, and even in the face of inescapable defeat.....
To Stand firm and Fight.and WIN

I'm @lorenzo1420

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