Advice on your hands: Crossfit during working hours

Every worker has the right to participate in days of promotion of free time and leisure, this in order to improve the quality of life and at the same time increase productivity in their activities

This month it occurred to me to do a sports activity called Crossfit at the company's facilities during working hours.

Crossfit: fitness system based on varied exercises.

Development of the activity:


It was sent by mail to the workers, to leave written evidence of the invitation.


  • We accompany our activity with a rich tizana.
  • Cambures and tangerines.
  • Water

Medical assistance:

The company's occupational physician participated to control the participants and control their blood pressure. It is important to keep these records and keep them in our records.


In order to collect enough evidence it was also necessary to take several photographs, for our records.


It is necessary that regardless of the activity that will be developed, have professionals in the area.
In this way the workers will feel more secure.

What happens if several workers do not want to participate?

In general, it happens that some workers, usually elderly, do not attract attention to join these types of activities, and obviously we can not force them. But it is an excellent idea to involve them in one way or another, requesting their collaboration in logistics, taking photographs or helping the occupational doctor to take the necessary notes.

Satisfaction survey

After the activity it is important to carry out a survey of satisfaction to all the workers, in this way we will know their point of view and we can consider some of their recommendations.

Remember that you can contact me by the discord for any questions or requests: Litzney#2144

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