
They say we are independent
But are we free?

The sun has daytime to shine
And the moon, sovereign at night

When then doth the star shine?
We are like the stars, following the light of the leading moon
But yet, we say we are independent.


We move free each day
But our words are caged like heart behind the ribs

We're all humans
But our words are bond with the wisdom of foolishness

We speak the truth
But they have the final say
But yet we say we are free

Yes, independence was given to our ears
But our mouths are still jailed
Cause only our ears hear and do the will of those who own us

Oh brave land of our fathers
Who says you are free?
When you still reside in the cage of the foreigners.

This post is dedicated to all Africans
We shall truly be free one day.

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