Ways of achieving your set of goals @efemena56

Goal Setting is a process of identifying something you want to accomplish in life. If you want to be a successful person in life you need to create a set of goals and towards achieving that goal, without a goal you are lost, with no direction and destination

A man without a goal is a man without focus, setting a goal in life makes you have authority and control over your life. Setting a goal is important to all humans.
I will share you a few tips on how to achieve your set of motivating goals in life.

Firstly, you need to set a motivating goal which you think suits your lifestyle and work towards making it comes to reality setting a goal of achieving wealth with a million dollar in your account is a goal completed . Don't be bothered on how the long and difficult the goal might be. Just try to be focused til you reach you achieve that goal.

Secondly putting your goals in written words,i must say putting your goals in written words helps alot,it enable you review your goal when you think you are on the wrong path of achieving that goal, it also gives you a benchmark of determing the progress of you achieving that set of goals and working in right path of achieving that goal.

the physical act of writing a goal makes it real, a written goal statement has power acting towards that goal eg saying I would reduce my expenses by 10% to achieve my goal is a goal statement, all you have to do is stick with that.

Thirdly, you should create sometime to think about your goals and how they can be achieved,You should brainstorm about the positive changes you need to adjust your lifestyle in other to make your goal a reality, you should be focused don't let it overwhelm you.i must say this really helps in goal setting Continue to strive hard till you achieve them.

Lastly, Sticking with that goal till you achieve them,goal setting is not about picking a goal you desire and wait for it to come to reality, you have to work for it. You should build a remainder that's keeps you on track you should have a motivating goal and ask yourself if the goal is worth working towards, if it's OK by you, you should stick with that.

My conclusion setting a goal is very easy but achieving that goal is very difficult I must say regardless the seize, difficulty of that goal you must work for it. In life setting a goal is important for man, it's parts of what make us happy when they are achieved, I urge every steemians that never thought of having a goal in life should try to set up one because it determines our future.

Before I round up, I would love to thank the following leaders for enabling steemians to archive they financial goals here on steemit. God bless you all.

Warm regards

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