Here I have 10 interesting psychological facts about love (enjoy):

It takes only four minutes to decide if you like someone or not! Since you have only a few short minutes to make a good first impression, your body language and tone of your voice reflects a big part of your personality.

Speaking of your voice tone, guys who have deeper voices are more likely to appear attractive to women than men who possess higher voices.

When two people who love each other look into each other’s eyes, their heart rates synchronize (correspond) with each other.

After three minutes of looking into each other’s eyes, their heart rates will synch with each other.
Falling in love is known to have the same neurological effects as cocaine. It gives you a sensation of euphoria (intense feeling of happiness) just like taking a dose of cocaine.

Cuddling releases natural painkillers. Cuddling releases the hormone oxytocin, which helps pain, such as headaches, go away for up to 4 hours.

Although opposites attract, couples that are either too similar or too different are not likely to last that long. Similarities and differences are a necessary foundation to a strong relationship.
Most people feel “butterflies” in their stomach when they first fall in love. These butterflies are an adrenaline rush.

Butterflies are part of the body's fight-or-flight response when there's a threat to survival. The stomach muscles get more sensitive than usual.
You can fall in love with a person just by looking into their eyes. They are “the windows to our souls.”

Women are attracted to men who have a strong sense of humor. Humor is usually associated with intelligence and honesty. This makes it easier for people to open up to that person and makes them appear trustworthy.

People prefer an attractive face over an attractive body when they are in long-term relationships. However, the body is preferred over the face when people have one-night stands and other flings (lust not love).
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