The natural

When i was little,i likened a beautiful, healthy and good hair as Being retouched/relaxed/ permed(it looked so).The media never helped matters either,it was one retouched hair advert to another all looking beautiful(this got me wishing to have same hair look).
Well,i know most of us ladies wished same too.
My natural hair journey began proper in 2016 after years of straightening My hảir.i needed a fresh hair growth,hence the big chop.

My big chop in 2016

What is natural hair
Natural hair is hair whose texture hasn't been altered by chemical straighteners, including relaxers and texturizers. An Afro hairstyle is sometimes referred to as "a natural," but natural black hair can be worn in many other styles besides a short 'fro. Pressed hair may still be considered natural because once washed, the texture usually returns to its unaltered state (as long as no heat damage has occurred).
(by Del sandeen)

Due to the nature of my hair which is unusually strong but looks soft(the hair can decieve people) and a bit curly,i resorted to using some Amazing products which have been so good to me.
1.longrich 2 in 1 conditioner andp shampoo:this product is totally Amazing as it agrees With my hair.
2.shea butter aka Ori: used to keep my hair Shiny,i Apply ít by massaging into My scalp.
3.Avacado oil:same function ás the shea butter.
my natural hảir rêgimen
1.Washing:i wash My hair wêekly due to time cónstraints.for an oily hair,wash daily.

2.Combing/brushing:for me, i use a gap toothed comb to do the job after applying Shea butter with water(this makes the combing easier and less painful.

3.Styling:my favourite part is styling, you can do a simple style,just make it presentable.
you don't need to break a bank doing this.
Be gentle while handling your hair.

4.Before you sleep take time to brush your hair and tie hair with a scarf to prevent tangles while you sleep..

The best part about my natural hair is that My hair smells like a vacation.with My fro, i am the cynosure òf all eyes.

Brìef cónversation with My friends concerning My hair
Chidinma:::barrister,i will cụt your hair if you don't retouch it.
Cynthia :Baby, apply relaxer, is it nốt paining you when you brush it?squeezes her face😀😀

Teacher Jane::Nonso,we go team up retouch this hair, you cannot carry hair and be intimidating us anyhow(This cracks me ụp ẻverytime)

               *My hair ís My pride*


Pics from pinterest
My Daily prayer

Dear natural hair queens,you can also drop your natural hair secrets here😍

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