Before you celebrate the next birthday

images (1).jpgMy years are fleeting past and I am yet to fit in to divine purpose, I am growing daily, completing life stages, from a child to a teenager, to a young man, I have completed some physical and maybe a laudable achievements, I finished primary school, secondary and graduated from the University with a very good grade, I am now a business owner, a car owner, house owner, and owner of many things that eyes can see, maybe my fairness has attracted a very wealthy and handsome dude to me and I am married, I am now a father of children, I am really making exploits in my career and people a calling me genius in my field, I have achieved what my contemporaries are still struggling to get with a great ease, BUT: my heavenly treasury is empty, I have not recorded a mark in my kingdom result sheet, the foundation of my heavenly mansion has not been laid, I am a big man on earth but I am still crawling baby in the sight of my master, oh I am so rich here on earth but in heaven I am so poor and wretched, though I brag about my achievements God is carrying and pointing his finger at my heavenly allotment that is wasting and dying away because of my ease and laxity though busy with my worldly commitments, I have started and accomplished so many Earthly projects but my divine projects I have not even started and my years are counting faster down, I have lived for 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, years and my strengths are quickly ebbing away from me, yet I have not discovered my route to eternity, So fatty I am, adding weight, adding years, adding wealth, but so tiny is my spirit man, losing weight, losing Years and losing soul.
Men and brethren, before you celebrate that your next birthday, your next achievement, please can you beg God to reveal your spiritual status to you, before you pour the next champagne please can you ask God how many years do I have left.
The fever of hereafter, rapture and eternity has just fallen on me now I don't know about you, please can you sincerely take stock of your spirit man.

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