Travis Reinking, Tennessee Waffle House Shooting Accused, Earlier Arrested Outside White House

BREAKING: Travis Reinking, 29, of Morton, IL, is person of interest in Waffle House shooting.

Vehicle the gunman arrived in is registered to him.

Gunman last seen walking south on Murfreesboro Pike. He shed is coat and is nude. See Reinking? Pls call 615-862-8600 immediately.

Hey guy's so I am gonna need you to work with me hear I am very limited on the ability to find quality information, trying to sift through the fake new's is pretty difficult.

I have to try YouTube, google, yahoo, and anything I can find to help me figure this crap out.

So what we have is a man that has been involved with police a few time's, the most recent time was at a CVS parking lot where he was threatening to kill himself.

His family is talking about his mental issue's, they report that he was saying Taylor swift was stalking him and hacking his phone. Now remember I don't quite know how accurate this info is.

Due to these incident's he had 4 gun's confiscated, but the dad was allowed to keep an AR-15 (Do we see a pattern with the shooting's they report) That is just an opinion to think about no fact's.

The weapon that the dad had was supposed to be kept from Travis, of course something went wrong I am sure more information will surface and I will be ready.

Now what is weird is (to me anyways) they seem to want to let people know he called himself a sovereign citizen, a sovereign citizen is someone who does not just preach freedom, but actually does it.

Now there are more peaceful sovereign citizen's then violent one's, most of the time they just drive without a license.

So I think they wanted to make that movement and anyone involved with that movement a criminal, or a least easier to be picked out as a "crazy" or "mental".

From the only information I am able to collect they have just been talking about his mental issue's, which to me I am not too concerned about, I think there is more to the story (In my opinion).

Travis Did the shooting naked according to the people who were present during the attack, this is just a crazy case and there has to be something more to this!

Okay I am getting some good info, so the FBI had a head's up that he would probably act out. The FBI admits that they were warned in advance.

So why the hell are we paying the FBI? All they have done is fail at their job, so can we hire private investigator's or something?

What make's this even better is the Nashville Mayor calling for a full out confiscation of "terroristic" weapon's, he say's that these type's of weapon's are only used for these type's of crime's. Someone should tell him that the majority are actually committed with handgun's as those are way better for killing a lot of people in a building.

Also is this really the time to disarm citizen's, when there is a dangerous armed person on the loose? I think I might load my shotgun you never know if he could end up on my side of the wood's.

I hate this why don't we talk about why less people are carrying in public? Maybe gun taxes and regulation's etc make gun's to expensive and also there are so many rules you have to follow, rather if it was cheaper and more of our right's being respected we could just open carry or conceal without a permit or anything.

This man would have never made it out of the car if one person had a firearm, I know if I had a pistol I would bring it almost everywhere. I mean you never know!!

Well thank's for reading guy's please upvote, follow, and leave what you think is going on in the comment's!

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