A portrait lifestyle subulussalam aceh inland

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Juma Sampuran Sues with Poverty

Monday (3/2/2014), the weather in the morning before the afternoon is quite scorching. Hot heat is so stinging up to 33 degrees Celsius bring sultry to make the sweat in the body melts. Mentari on that day it was so "ferocious" meluapkan light. However, the atmosphere along the road to JumaSampuran, Penuntungan Village, District Penanggalan, Subulussalam City feels cool. Therefore, the eight kilometer trail is surrounded by gardens and wilderness. Every now and then we walk along the clear, rocky river to the heart to throw the body. On the side of the road a lot of overgrown with grass and shady trees and plantation crops.

Within two and a half hours of travel, the reporters reached the settlement of ethnic Nias people. A row of unfit home building immediately welcomed the presence of journalists in Juma Sampuran. The smell of poverty began to smell when looking at the contents of the houses. Without furniture let alone electronic goods. In fact, for plates and cutlery alone this family is very limited. Even to sleep alone just put a dingy mat. Clothes are also limited so that not infrequently the children of the population wearing only pants or wearing a ragged shirt. "There is no clothes pack, so crying," said a mother when asked why the baby cried.

In a house, a family member who claimed to be named Faugeca Colo O (42) with his wife and son, was busy peeling and cleaning sweet potatoes. When asked, it turns out the sweet potato is prepared for their lunch. In Juma Sampuran, apparently people rarely enjoy rice so they are forced to make sweet potato or cassava as staple food. Rice, only eaten during the day while the morning and afternoon they eat cassava or sweet potato. "If eating rice is very rare, ordinary also it is burned, it can be said rice for residents Juma Sampuran just thirst release," said Niaseli Halawa tribal chief ) who accompanied the porch while visiting

Therefore, do not ask the side dishes of everyday residents or other snacks. Because, as tribal chiefs say, for staple food, Nias residents in Juma Sampuran have to limit. So they are not familiar with nutritious food especially for snacks for children because the stall just is not there. Residents are rarely down shopping, most great just down the mountain once a month just to buy their needs. Mostly they buy only salted fish for side dishes, salt or sugar and crude oil. For those eating instant noodles alone turned out to be delicious food and rare.

Hence, there are a number of inhabitants and malnourished children. Like Anima Nduru (27), this four-faced mother appears emaciated and suffers from shortness of breath. Even so his second child looks malnourished with a bulge belly while his legs shrink. in this village only Anima, sad condition also experienced Sarimena Nduru (65) who has two months suffer from shortness of breath to difficult to speak but not treated for financial and mileage hit.

Daytime livelihoods should be the choice of local people to survive. In addition, Juma Sampuran residents also cassava, chilli, rice and other crops. Citizens had to walk the eight kilometer trail to market their crops on foot through the jungle. Little farm produce that they will spend for the need to eat potluck.

Can not Speak Indonesian
Not only that, because it rarely interacts with the outside community, the population of 80 percent of Juma Sampuran population can not communicate with Bahasa Indonesia. There, residents and children use Nias language to communicate daily. Nevertheless, the residents are so friendly and welcome guests with joy. Even dozens of children cheered around everyone who came to their village. Children who are supposed to be in school hang around journalists and ask for a photo with a gesture. To communicate, the journalist was guided by Niaseli Halawa tribal chief.

Naoeli confess, until now there are residents Juma Sampuran afraid to see people even run if addressed, not because of arrogance but the result rarely interact with other communities. According to Noeli, there are some residents when walking down and straight. Although there is a greeting they will not turn for fear. Residents like this, according to Naoeli not arrogant but really less interacting with the community.

Health services become a luxury for the people who are ethnic Nias majority. If any citizen medically treated, it is because they are dying and they should be guided to the nearest health clinic that distance gained eight kilometers and then transported by vehicle for three or four kilometers. As observed when reporters visited Juma Sampuran, some residents have to guide a grandmother named Sarimena Nduru (65) who suffered pain for months. Residents guide Sarimena alternately by walking across the path in the form of land. Climb down the hill through the bushes and puddles

Sarimena slowly taken medication in addition to financial problems also because there is no guide Struggle citizens are quite extraordinary, walk as far as eight kilometers to get to the road that can be accessed by the vehicle and continue the trip to the hospital or health center. The same thing is also done to pregnant women who want to give birth is not strong lantak walk. This condition occurs because the access road to Dusun Sampuran can only be passed by on foot. "This is the fact, if there are people who are sick, have to wait for a man to guide out, and even then wait dying first new treatment for money and road access," said Naoeli.

He said the trip to the puskesmas or poskesdes guided by walking like this takes more than two and a half hours or more. A number of sick residents are often unsaved for their lives due to frequent late medical help. "What's worse when there are our citizens (pregnant women) who have to undergo labor. Often menajalani labor in the middle of the road, because they have not had time to get to the hospital," said Noeli Halawa, adding that if there are people who died also forced to be pulled by drag to go to the cemetery.

Although this condition has lasted a dozen years, no significant improvement to the life of the community there. For example, the Road which is a means of transportation for residents but until now only the path. This is an irony of the construction of a settlement of inhabitants who inhabited hundreds of souls of human children not far from the capital but still isolated because the road to get there is not there. Though the government in various occasions always talk about the development and improvement of people's welfare. (Khalidin)

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