UPDATE: Problem fixed || We are investigating the glitch that seems to have zeroed out 2-days worth of VYB rewards

Problem was display-only (with the front-end) and it has been fixed.

UPDATE #2: @eonwarped has confirmed that the problem was with the front-end display. He has fixed the problem, so all posts published after the switch to a 4-day voting window should now be displaying pending rewards properly.

UPDATE #1: According to @eonwarped (Hive-Engine developer), this seems to be a front-end issue only. The front-end is displaying post rewards as if the payout-period is 2 days instead of 4. That means after a post is 2 days old, rather than displaying 'pending rewards' (i.e. as calculated by the front-end), the front-end tries to display 'actual rewards' (but those are still zero, because the payout hasn't actually occurred yet.

If the above is correct, then the first post created after the 4-day voting period was initiated, which is currently showing zero rewards, should show the correct (paid out) rewards in a few hours time.

Four days ago, the rewards-pool rate and the vote window were doubled. Every post thereafter (including the ‘double trouble’ announcement post itself) seems to have had its rewards zeroed out.

It seems that this is the first post that was affected and this was the last, with every post in between also being affected.

We have initiated a tech support ticket with Hive-Engine to have them look into what happened.

If it turns out that a bug in the smart contract did indeed zero out author and curator rewards, we will do our best to make sure those rewards get properly issued.

NOTE: The main reason we started the rewards-pool at a reduced rate with a shortened voting window was to be able to identify any glitches quickly and early. We will get this figured out and corrected as quickly as possible.


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