How Writing is Helping Me?

I must confess. I have been dealing with depression and various mental health issues. I have struggled a lot of health issues due to parents, siblings and my financial condition.

And noticed that writing about it and putting those thoughts out of the head is in turn helping me on managing my anxiety and depression. I have to work even more harder to manage it.


What is the reason behind my writing practice?

Feel free to skip this if you don't want to read about my personal issues. It just helps me get them off my head.

Currently family has been pushing me on financial drain as much as possible while not giving me anything. So I have to fight for it and protect my own assets. The thing is being unmarried has made things worst. So I thought I should be more assertive and deal with them.

Sometimes when you are unmarried, you get being used of in the due process. And the thing is parents don't help you financially either way. Instead demand you to take care of them. Which is a kind of a trap.

Getting married in this phase is extremely hard because one bad move and you can get yourself knocked out in the head and the life in general. I have realized that this sort of approach can be bad as well.

One side of my connections tell me to not get married and just take care of parents. And another side is making me work hard so that I have to spend that money on parents. So in general this is kind of affecting my health too.

I think writing about this helps a lot because this way it helps get things off head. And there are many other benefits of the writing. As explained in the above image you benefit when you write your thoughts down.

Start writing and help your mental health and writing muscles too. :)

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