Evolution of Freedom

Since the meanings of the words are just what they mean to us, let me open up what it is for me to say that being a free soul and saying myself first.

20 years ago, I still have my liberty value, because liberty has evolved in my essence, but meaning. Married, with children and working evolved into an evolution for me. Freedom is for me, to make a plan with my wife, come out with my friends to eat and drink and dance and have fun at the time I want, sometimes come home to the morning.

In addition to our partner-partner environment with my wife, I have a separate area of ​​my own where there is no self-contained space, for example, when I feel the need to be alone, when I feel the need to be alone, I leave my child to school and leave the park without feeling guilty. For me, I'd like to be alone with my husband for a weekend to leave my son to his father and make a getaway.

In the morning I got up and said I need to run now, kissing the little puppy on the cheek, throwing myself out of the house and handing over breakfast preparation to the beautiful man I love.

When it is time to care for my wounds and restlessness, for example, asking for permission from the family, to enter a cocoon and stay there for a while.

I have the same liberties with the man I love, and the little cub under the reasonable conditions; as the first condition for me to get free.

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