Fucking Sony Ip Banned? Getta VPN

Hey everyone! How's it going today? Long time no see.
Today I have a story about VPN and why I should have bought one, or atleast gotten cyberghost for free. Maybe someone might find my expirence useful in the feauture so here we go.
I'm a gamer, but mostly a modder. Basically every game I've ever played I have either found an exploit or cheated in (lets just say I'm really shit at games so I need a unfare advantage), so with the new 4.82 exploit for sonys ps3 I really didn't see a single reason why not to jailbreak. Not going to lie the whole exploit itself sounded way to good to be true, but this isnt about that, I'll be making a tut on it soon.
As a jailbroken user I accumulated new friends at a rapid rate. "Why not MAKE A CLAN?" was the semi-retarded question I asked myself. I made a Black Ops 2 clan nammed HypeX_____, I made/modded all of my members accounts. They were exactly the same as there previous accounts however the accounts were prestigue 15 (hidden prestigue).
One faitful night I had gotten 5 new members at one time, so I went threw on the first 4 doing exactly what i usually do. On the 5th i encounterd this '"unable to contact psn 8224A" or something along the lines. Now the reason I encountered this problem was because i had made to many accounts within one month(no I wasnt useing a vpn/proxy/ip spoof) so Sony decided to ban my ipv4 address from contacting there network on any device. They assummed that I was not only attacking there netwok, but they also assumed that I had been hacking into others accounts and stealing information.
So I Thought to myself," I'm a grand hacker i can get passed this" I was utterly fucking wrong. I'm not a fucking hacker, however I'm not the dullest knife in the drawer. I know that a ip address can be changed by resetting your dynamic router. So I simply reset my router and......... Nothing happened, I went to sign in and got the same fucking error (-_-) over and over again. Now obviously I'm here about a fix right? I have 1 single fix that you should only ever use one time. Its called MAC Swapping, now to you tech geeks out there this was probabally pretty obvious if a reset didn't work. However heres what you dont know, after said ip banned occures not only does sony contact who evers email is linked with your wifi, they also contact your internet provider, and your internet provider also contacts said email saying you put a worm in there system. GREAT SHIT RIGHT????? Watch out 5yr old modders mommy and daddy are getting an email about it. But on the bright side if you have more than just a ps3 running on sony's network heres how you mac swap (would suggest waiting out the ban however if you have 5 ps4s in your home then you kinda need to know this(I don't have 5 ps4s that was just a way to get the point accross)) Put your computers ip address into your searchbar, the username and password are usually admin and password (tut for netgear) go down to internet, theres a option that says,"use this mac address" change the last two digits to a letter and a number (example 2K.H7.87.F5<-- Change the last two or your pc's ip and routers will be the same aka no internet for that pc). Well thats the fix for that problem. Now how could it be provented? Go on your pc and get cyberghost vpn,( you need to have a wireless pc or this fix won't work) open it up and chose protect this network you cant miss it. BAM Now everything in your house has a new ip address and it's not tied to your router, WARNING dl/s and up/s is shitttt but it works for everyone and everything in your house so its cool, and its free c: I hoped this helped anyone. Have a great eavning and keep steeming!!!!

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