Approval Voting to Improve Representation of Minority Values

So what do you do when you have to choose between the devil and the deep sea? You opt for the lesser evil, of course.

And why is this relevant? Because that's exactly what the American voting system forces its citizens to do – vote for the less-damaging candidate (the Democrat or the Republican) through the current system in practice, plurality voting (PV) where voters pick the ONE candidate they feel is the most qualified for the position.

In all honesty, however, this method does the worst job of picking the best candidate.

So what can we do?

All that is needed is a trivial change in current voting rules without any substantive change to ballots to correct this major defect.

How does this work?

Approval Voting (AV) allows the voter to choose AS MANY CANDIDATES as they feel are qualified with the candidate getting the most approval votes winning office.

By treating each candidate as a separate entity, "Do you approve of this person for the job?" approval voting allows each and every voter to indicate support for one, some, or all of the nominated candidates.

But does this help major parties or minor parties? Improbable as it may sound, AV is fairer to both major as well as minor parties while reducing negative campaigning. Supporters of minor parties will also be free to vote for their favored candidate without worrying that their vote will backfire and hurt their own cause, as can happen under the more conventional plurality system.

Approval voting also gives us a better measure of popular opinion simply because it allows voters more room to express their opinion.

Although independently proposed by several people in the 1970s, the case for Approval Voting seems particularly strong now, especially in primary and nonpartisan elections in the United States since they draw large fields of candidates.

RIPAC promotes election reform experts like Frank Atwood of behind the Approval Voting effort, to reach an audience hungry for this solution and deliver it to you with our strategy to put the legislation on the ballot where you live.

Not all States or Nations have these rights, but we have a grassroots stategy no one else has that can quickly put real people pressure on the political system like never before.

With a solution similar to Rank Choice Voting but less expensive and arguably just as effective, approval voting also deserves its chance to be approved by the voters at the ballot .

Rank Choice Voting or Instant Runnof Voting, for those that don’t know, may be used to select a ranking of best selected candidates in order, and this has shown effective at helping minority parties, such as green, independent and libertarian get elected as well.

Both of these solutions would break up the two party system, however, the cheaper alternative with near equal results, arguably is better for our organization to endorse.

Ballot access can be achieved with the RIPAC organization and United Petitioners, our agency off of Liberty Economy LLC, my current national petition contracting firm located in Arizona.

Ripac will manage aspects of a non-profit, in education, but with the advantage of creating infrastructure for multiple ballot propositions nationwide as we seek to become the nation’s first minarchist oriented direct-democracy Superpac, and the first direct-democracy Superpac as well. We take an objective minarchist stance, in alignment with the non-aggression principle, encouraging debate around policy that reduces government power to solve problems, rather than creating more of it.

Approval voting and Rank Choice Voting may be used very effectively in any e-democracy quorum as well as in elections. E-democracy may bridge the gap through our integration of RIPAC with Initiative Quorum (IQ).

Through a token offering of our appreciation in support of what we do, we will deliver an ERC-20 token to anyone who works with us to create a new improved system.

We are working to create use of blockchain for the direct facilitation of the formula needed to create our permanent ballot access network I have intimated about to which we will discuss more in the future.

Our Initiative Quorum (IQ) could very well be bootstrapped to the Steemit architecture as I elaborated with the Steemit Party blog from before.

Follow and see what we do. Momentum is building and although there is a very long road ahead, staying course to serve what makes me most grateful is something I tend to be good at.

Details on the Airdrop the official RIPAC token will be disclosed in due time.

If you want to see Approval Voting on your ballot support RIPAC by contributing upvotes and any extra Steem Dollars for Steemt Power you are willing to encourage our Steemit outreach with.

Visit to find out how to support our vision and invest in cryptocurrency ideas that can benefit all of our work.

ETH 0x813e57DA60FC3b25DF430cb3db6536A4c929b223
BTC 35wTXkpJdKzhqvUEqfSUJXoeKNzdAR9VbL

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