Dont Vote, unless you like the way things are going!

until corporate money is removed from politics, it wont matter whos president. All of us who are still willing to play this game, and vote, are wasting valuable time that could better be spent washing the neighbors cat or cleaning our grass. The money dictates the platform and agenda that all politicians follow, and we the people have none of the money therefor nothing is done in our interest or for our well being.... THE ANSWER, don't vote!
let the corporations chose our masters, and be responsible for it Maybe then we can unite against them instead of against each other!
Do you think they could possibly do worse for us if we didnt vote? They couldnt....
and for all you "u have to vote" people- save your breath we have been doing that since this democracy sham began- and what you get is a supreme court decision that says politicians can't be held accountable for what they say on the campaign trail, when it later turns out to be policy. How fucking absurd is that? .... think about that before you vote!
We have basically sunk to the level of a functioning heroin addict and if we dont let ourselves hit rock bottom we will be hopelessly stuck so fucking close to it that it will be the only thing we ever see. THERE is an up, a moral high ground where decency and compassion towards our fellow humans exists its just not visible from our current position in the canyon of shit we live in!

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