What I'm doing to prevent voter fraud

I can actually do something to prevent voter fraud.

One of the ways voting fraud is committed is they bus the same bunch of people to multiple voting stations and they vote multiple times on election day.

If I see a bus near the voting station that appears to be carrying people to vote, I will:

  1. Video tape the license plate so the driver sees me doing it.

  2. Video tape the driver

  3. Tell the driver I am going to follow him and if he goes to another voting station with the passengers I am going to report it, with the video evidence to the police.

  4. Video tape the people getting on or off the bus

  5. Tell him each person he drives around is him being accessory to voting fraud, and each instance is punishable by years in prison (depends on the state).

  6. Follow the bus to see if it goes to another voting station

I won't do anything which might be considered harassment or intimidation.

I wonder how many drivers will just leave and abandon their cheating voters.

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