Hey Anarchists, Stop Hating on Libertarians


Some Anarchists lump Minarchists into the same category as authoritarian statists, choosing the black and white perspective of "If you want even a little tiny bit of government, you are the enemy." Do we really need more enemies?

I prefer to look at authoritarianism, Minarchy, and Anarchy as a spectrum of preferences. We all inhabit different parts of this spectrum at different times in our lives. What use is there in despising and forgetting what we once were?

Right now in the year 2018, authoritarianism dominates. So at this time, as we all journey toward Anarchia, Minarchia is on the way. We benefit by treating Minarchists as our allies, especially compared to seeing them as enemies.

Let's wait to examine our differences until we have at least created the place Minarchists want, which is on the way to our destination. We can choose to see how our paths go in the same direction and worry later about how far each will go.

And imagine if you can: when we attain Minarchia, how many Libertarians will see the benefits of small government and think to themselves, "Look how well this works! Perhaps NO government CAN bring even more peace, health, and prosperity?"

So - for now - let's work together. We have more in common than we have to fight about.

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