Why Is It The Right Time For Humans To Learn Humanity Again!!! ??

Time runs and it runs soo fast that we hardly have anytime to realize anything that is happening around us. Day in and day out we live in the feeling that we are living the most advanced life based on few materialistic pleasures around us.


One important question we need to ask ourselves is,

Is our life really making any sense? Our yardstick of measuring happiness is right?

We fail to understand the concept of inner peace and how it is a hard thing to get these days in this chaotic world. Our life is full of noise and commotion, we are living in a fool’s paradise and the worst part is we don’t even realize it!!!

This is the time when one person is always looking for ways to pull down another, one nation always looking for ways to achieve supremacy at the cost of lives of its own citizens. With ever building nuclear development, none of us are safe.
We are sacrificing a lot to facilitate the gains of few powerful politicians.

Yes!!! It all boils down to politics at the end of the day.

Nothing here is permanent, but we live as if it is. We work hard to earn but sacrifice everything else and not even find time to spend our earnings.

Humanity the way forward , unless we learn it back there is no way we are changing the way we live and that is a very bad sign for our posterity.

Hopefully you see the message I am trying to put across in terms of what we are loosing.

We at @voiceshares believe in creating the support system to those souls whose voices are suppressed. We would strongly urge you to write your stories of

  1. Depression
  2. Political Suppression

while staying completely anonymous and send it us through the below link.

Submit Your Story Of Depression/Suppression here

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we would love to have all the interested folks join us in this revolution to create a better tomorrow.

Contributor Space :

Adsactly(@adsactly) - One of the most active crypto communities around has been a constant support to @voiceshares. Do Join this community - Adsactly Discord Server Link

Whaleshares - The most encouraging and helpful crypto community, lots of amazing people to help you around. We recommend you to check out their community - Whaleshares Discord Server Link

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Witness Space :

  1. @zeartul - A community contributor who is doing some amazing things with his @bellyrub upvote bot. . He supports voiceshares and his post on voiceshares can be found here

Voiceshares - The Voice of the Surpressed!

Do consider him for witness votes and we from @voiceshares support his campaign.

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