Steemit Leaks #3: Selling Votes Is A Harsh Reality On Steemit And Done Under Wraps?

Was Ned's trust broken beyond repairs ? This was our point of discussion yesterday, in continuation to it let us focus on the topic of selling votes. See if it is a feasible option and if yes, how easy it is to sell votes.


We come across bidding bots where steemit users can bid with SBDs or Steem during a 2.4 hour window, at the end of 2.4 hours the votes are given out in accordance with the ratio of bids, this is the case where a witness or a bot developer leases SP through a contract.

Going back to @paulag's report on @ned's delegation we started digging further to see if there is a much bigger issue in hand. As we read data analysis of @paulag it was evident that @sweetsssj and @htliao were selling votes and this was supported by the data analysis report.

The below images also states the same,

Vote Selling 1.png

Memos of transactions showed clearly the vote were sold for SBDs and when we look carefully further as explained by @paulag we see @sweetsssj also did the same,


The above image give a clear representation on transfer of SBDs and return of favor with upvotes.

We have read this and we have understood a possible case of vote selling.

Coming to the topic of today's discussion. A user wrote to us on further implications of vote selling,

As you all know both @sweetsssj and @htliao are known faces on steemit community and they have been around from a very long time. Their each and every posts used to rake in hundreds of dollars on steemit and they were regulars on trending page.

The question of interest is how were they able to sell their votes??

What was the basic criteria of return of investment (ROI) for people sending SBDs for upvotes. ??

Do we have a alternate platform where the bidding rules for upvotes were established? Is there a possibility of numerous fake accounts created and was there a much bigger conspiracy that needs to be addressed to clean the mess?

How did users come to know about these two users selling votes? Is there an alternate platform for conveying such information and giving out such illegal voting?

Did Ned come to know about all this and then undelegated his power?

We have many questions whose answers can shake the platform and solutions to which is required at the earliest, we certainly do not wish to see others following the suit and degrade the system further.

Write to us if you find any such system abuse around you .

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We request the community to be much more proactive when you come across such issues around you, start reporting it and I am sure people from Steemit will work on necessary actions to be taken to remove dirt from steemit

Disclaimer: Voiceshares is only trying to create a platform to users on steemit to voice out their opinion on what is wrong with steemit and how we can correct it. The above post was also a story or a perception shared by one of the users and @voiceshares is only representing it with a positive hope of changing wrong things happening on steemit.

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  1. Depression
  2. Corruption on Steemit
  3. Political Suppression

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We also support @themarkymark and @zeartul for their witness campaign. Do check out their projects at @buildawhale and @bellyrub

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