People Easily Forget The Dead, So Stop Living For People - Sad But True!!!

We humans easily ruin our lives, it is something we do without a drive and without our knowledge. The ecosystem we live in is huge and are often judgemental. We Cant live with them and we cant live without them. It is a very uncomfortable situation in life when we have to decide between what we choose. Weather we choose to neglect our life over what people think of us or we choose life over others.

Dont give imp to ppl.jpg

" What does the society think", even this we have to think, why??

Are we that jobless in life and we have no right purpose in life to be pondering over such thoughts??

Society out there is there to be judgemental and opinionated. Do not bother about such minute things in life instead focus n life in itself.

Life is very short, we hardly have 50-70 years with us, but we think we have more and some of us think we have forever to live here.

In this short time do you want to live pleasing society or you want to just live?

You die and that's inevitable, when its time for us to go we have to go!!

People forget you, that's also a fact. You are only remembered only till your existence, but few are remembered forever not because they pleased others but they lived their lives o do something better for humanity.

It is easy to forget you after your death, and you are most often forgotten very quickly, The intention is not to tell you to stop caring for others but to tell you to care only as much as required. Do not go out of your way in life to please people. People who matter to you and to whom you matter does not expect attention, they know you are there for them.

Hopefully I made some sense??

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