Do You Feel Steemit Has Turned Into A Rigged System?? - Stop Complaning and Start Changing!!

Steemit belongs to each and every user on this platform, it is yours as much as anyone else's is. The whole system is designed in such a way that we build this together by contributing in our own way. We have people with more vests controlling the way system works and let us just face it, it can turn positive or negative to the community.

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Now coming to the point of concern, we have seen many instances where people who are immensely talented complain about the lack of payouts they should be getting which they deserve but are not. There are also people who complain about few on the platform who are over paid.

Some of these instances are based on individual perceptions while many are based on some irregularities of misusing this wonderfully designed system.

What do we do when we come across such corruptions?

You voice it out, be it a minnow or dolphin or a whale... the justice should be served to everyone.

If you feel insecure in sharing it through your personal blog for the fear of being attacked by flags then you may use a neutral anonymous sharing platform called @voiceshares.


We have started a series of voiceshares posts aimed to bring about a change in the way we address corruption on steemit. Mere complaining makes no sense and we need start being the change we want to see in the system

Share your Expose through through this link

With this positive hope I assure you not a single identity of yours will be revealed and infact I myself wont know sender details except for his expose!!!

I am trying to bring about a change I always want to see on this platform to make it much more transparent, I hope you all join this cause!!

We at @voiceshares believe in creating the support system to those souls whose voices are suppressed. We would strongly urge you to write your stories of

  1. Depression
  2. Corruption on Steemit
  3. Political Suppression

while staying completely anonymous and send it us through the below link.

Submit Your Story Of Depression/Suppression here

Please include your BTS (BitShares Address)Address along with your story to receive some voiceshare tokens from our team. It is not BTC, but BTS.

You may also join our discord server and meet our family by joining our discord server through the link below

Voiceshares Discord Hangout Link

we would love to have all the interested folks join us in this revolution to create a better tomorrow.

Contributor Space :

Whaleshares - The most encouraging and helpful crypto community, lots of amazing people to help you around. We recommend you to check out their community - Whaleshares Discord Server Link

Contributor Space.jpg

We also support @themarkymark and @zeartul for their witness campaign. Do check out their projects at @buildawhale and @bellyrub

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