Sent Rewards for July 2023 + First Anniversary Bonus & HivePUD August 2023

Today, besides the regular monthly rewards, we are also sending you the First Anniversary Bonus!

Hive curation rewards received/claimed during July 2023 were 37.831 HIVE. 90% of that amount shared among VOCUP token holders was 34.0479 HIVE.
We added to that the First Anniversary Bonus in the amount of 33.526 HIVE, what makes the shared total of 67.5739 HIVE.

Forest - Rewards for July 2023 + First Anniversary Bonus

The rewards were sent to all the VOCUP token holders shortly before publishing this post, according to their respective token holdings and in the amounts shown in the table below.

Table - Rewards for July 2023 + First Anniversary Bonus

Important Note!
From the 1st Serie of the 2nd Edition of VOCUP tokens, currently, there is only 16.7 tokens left!

HivePUD August 2023

For this month's Hive Power Up Day, we powered up 200 HIVE, of which 100 HIVE arrived from yesterday's last-minute VOCUP token purchase. The other 100 HIVE are from extra funds that we brought in to enlarge again, a bit more, the total of our curation power.

We hope that we surprised you pleasantly with this unannounced and not promised First Anniversary Bonus that turned out to be almost as big as the collected HIVE curation rewards for the whole month!?!

So, until next time, enjoy your rewards and use them wisely!

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To buy a VOCUP token, visit Hive-Engine, Tribaldex or LeoDex exchange.

Please review our Announcement post to learn more about our project.

Vocup Divider1a

Images Sources:
1st image (Thumbnail): Our own derivative work with image by Sven Lachmann from Pixabay> and image by digital designer also from Pixabay
2nd image: (Table): Own work.
Dividers: Our own derivative work with image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

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