how to make simple dishes at home #14

In this article, I will continue to introduce to you the dish suitable for summer

black bean tea

Materials to be prepared:

Black beans: Black beans or other ways called wild than black beans. You pick the nuts, dry, medium, not long and no worms. With a pot of black beans for 4 - 5 people, the amount of beans you should prepare is about 200 - 300 grams.
Coconut milk: Black beans will lose good fat without coconut milk. This coconut milk you can buy fresh coconut self-extracted, both the juice is just added coconut fiber. If you are afraid to perform this step, you can buy coconut juice canned ready. Prepare about 300 ml of coconut milk
White Diameter: White diameter can be replaced by the diameter of gold as you like. The amount of sugar you will need depends on the sweetness of the tea you want to enjoy. On average, you need about 300 grams of sugar per serving of tea.
Other ingredients: Besides the three main ingredients mentioned above, to make the black tea better, you can prepare additional ingredients such as roasted peanuts, fresh coconut fiber, vanilla (tube) or powder is okay)


Step 1: Peel and soak black beans
Black beans before cooking tea should be cleaned and soaked for the bloom. How to clean beans you do the following:
Place the black beans in large pots and flush with water. Next, stir your hands to ensure that the beans are soaked with water. Remove the floating bean seeds, retain only the seeds and then sink into the rinse under the tap.
Once the bean is complete, put the bean in a clean bowl and soak it in clean water for 1-2 hours. Take care to soak beans in advance to ensure no beats when cooked. Soak water is then used to keep it, so you need to make sure the water is soaked in clean water.
Step 2: Cook black beans
At the end of the soaking time, you pour all the soaked beans (water and nuts) into the pot. Add about 1 liter of water to the pot and place on the stove and start cooking. When the water is ready to boil, remember to open the area and pick up the foam so that the tea is clear and delicious
Boil for medium heat until soft pea, then turn off the stove. Drain the beans and water. As for the water in the pot, you continue to turn on the stove and cook at a small fire. Once boiled, you just let the sugar and stir until the sweetness is reached.
With the bean paste, you put another pan on the stove and put it on a snack with sugar so that it can be soaked. Once the bean has clung to the sugar and reaches the sweetness, you pour the beans into the pot of tea and boil it back off the kitchen. Add the vanilla and stir well.
Wait for the tea to cool down, you put in a bowl / glass of ice and then tea in the bowl. Next, you scoop the coconut milk, sprinkle coconut fiber + peanuts and mix to enjoy.

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