HELP! I'm Thinking of Starting A VLOG! Any advice?

So I'm thinking of starting a VLOG, but before we get into that, maybe I should introduce myself to the Steemit community. My name is Tyler and I live in the big apple, yup, thats right - New York City. The hustle and bustle here has taught me so much as an individual and I'm sure anyone from ANY city can relate. Anyways - I'm 24 and I'm also newly engaged ( I proposed on December 21st, 2017), I'm a U.S. Navy Veteran, I attend Fordham University and study Economics and I work as a regulatory compliance analyst. I enjoy sports and somewhat partying on the weekends, but not really lol.

So back to this VLOG idea, the reason I want to start one is because I truly feel my personality and perspective on things are very unique - and maybe people would be interested to hear it. So I've started recording on my iPhone 7Plus and have a lamp (just a regular one) I use for lighting. I know, I know, super basic right? But hey, its the bootstrapping way of starting up though!

Also, this is my first blog post ever lol . So I'm not sure if this is good - or if its complete garbage. Honestly, I love constructive criticism because I believe it makes you better and improve efficiently on your weaknesses.

Well - gonna conclude it here. Please, please, please leave some advice, topics, questions, feedback, ANYTHING about VLOG start-ups. What cameras do you think I should get etc..

Also, I'm brand new to the community so I'm looking for blogs to read and people to meet. Steemit looks like a genuine place to share content and I'm excited to be apart of it!

Thanks Everyone!!


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