YouTubers On Steemit: This One Is For You! 📹 Make Traffic From Steemit Count In Your YouTube Channel [step by step video tutorial]

'If you have knowledge, then let others light their candles in it.' - Margaret Fuller 

It'll be my pleasure, Margeret!

Isn't one of the greatest achievements of today's global networks that we are able to share knowledge with everybody in the world at any place and any time?

So here's my fire to your candles, vloggers!

YouTubing On Steemit 📹

Vlogs are THE trending sector on steemit right now, and the majority of video content shared on the platform is hosted on

That's one of the reasons why I published an article about How To Properly Embed Videos Into Your Steemit Article And Make Views Count On YouTube 10 days ago.

However, when I'm surfing through the content I still see a lot of users who don't embed their videos properly.

A recent conversation with another vlogger inspired me to publish a video tutorial about it. Thanks for that, @allasyummyfood! :-)

Make The Steemit Traffic Count!

Even though I've still not many subscribers in my YouTube channel and don't generate huge amounts of videos, the right embedding in external pages still makes a difference.

The following screenshot provides evidence.

After embedding videos properly on steemit the external traffic to my YouTube channel has taken off:

I wish I had done it correctly right from the start!

Now it's too late since articles that are older than 7 days can't be edited anymore. That's at least the current status.

So that's actually been my motivation to do this video: I'd like to keep you from doing the very same mistake!

Here we go 📹
"Vlogging Tips: Video Embedding On Steemit" (6 min video)

As you can see I'm still not familiar with screen recording software so did this filming my screen with the GoPro... Let's call it creative surfer style, haha! 😆

Anyways, as long as you get the message, I've fulfilled my today's mission.

Once I've returned from my vacation, I'll learn how to do these kind of videos in a more professional way. It took me 4 hours to shoot and edit the content today which is pretty much.

So I've furthermore ordered a new (faster) computer. Then I will be perfectly equipped for the next blogging level. Yeah!

I hope this video will help you to pimp your YouTube statistics starting from today!

Steemians: All for one and one for all :-)

Thanks for your time and interest 💙

If you considered this information helpful, I'd be happiest if you shared the article with your followers and friends.

Happy steeming and have a great day!
Marly - 

PS: If you still haven't subscribed to my YouTube channel, you can do it HERE :-) 

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