"How To Properly Tag Articles On Steemit?" 🏷️ [new vlog by @surfermarly 📷]

In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not. - Albert Einstein

Nicely said, Albert.

Theoretically we're all future whales, aren't we? 😎

One of the biggest hypes among new users on steemit seems to be chosing the right tag for an article.

Tags are surely not the single most important thing one might be worried about on this platform. However, there are some general rules especially newbies might keep in mind.

So let's debunk some myths about tags and try to use them properly!

Tagging around

The most popular mistake among new users in that context is that they choose the tags that are best paid for their articles, instead of choosing them according to their field of interest.

Imagine that all books in a book store were stored in only one section called "books". How might we find one specific book of interest? That's what happens when people use the tag #steemit on steemit.

It's not important how OTHERS tag their articles, it only matters what YOUR piece of content is about - and where you'd like to position it.

When you are new to something, it's a natural thing that you have a million questions.

Only the ones who ask are provided with answers.

So don't hesitate.

We're all here happy to help and provide some knowledge.

Sticking with the book store example: using generic tags (like steemit, life, blog, etc.) that are able to be a headline for almost EVERYTHING, won't help you to get your content (brand) well positioned on this platform.

Our purpose is to provide a specific piece of content with the attention it deserves within a related group of interest (a community within the community).

We tag our content in order to categorize and STRUCTURE it, being the overall goal that content is easily FOUND by other users of the same group of INTEREST ("micro community").

So when using a tag we actually "label" it.

You wanna listen to some more tips regarding tagging on steeemit?

Then watch my vlog to find them out.

Plus: guess which one is @surfermarly's favorite tag on steemit 😉

"How To Properly Tag Articles On Steemit" [5 min YouTube video 🎧]

There's been much talking today in my vlog.

But hey, there is so much to tell.

I hope it's been interesting, informative and inspiring to you!

Please let me know if you have any further questions on that topic (just leaving your comment down here in the comments section).

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step 👊 Lao-Tzu

Best of luck for that journey, steemians!

Have a great time...

@steemaniacs - a project run by @surfermarly

Original content: video shooted with my GoPro Hero 5 and edited with GoPro Studio. Quote found on picturequotes.com.

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