My first swimming experience

I study Aquaculture and fisheries management and for my department in my school swimming is compulsory. What was I thinking when i signed that little piece of paper in my year 1, I kept asking myself as if I had a choice! Of course I didn't have a choice I had to sign it or leave the department.
Fast forward to August 2017, our swimming exam was coming up in September and I had never been to the pool before so I planned with a few friends in the department and a life guard to train us I didn't start on the agreed date it was supposed to be for 4 days but I started on the 3rd day as I thought there is no big deal to it. I would learn it within 2days.
We started with running round the pool 20 times, then some exercise. After which the life guard led us in prayer and in my mind am like is it because of ordinary swimming that he is praying! Then he asked me to familiarize myself in the pool by just walking about in the pool. I entered with confidence but was shocked by the instant cold and I started shivering.
Hmmm am like how am I going to swim with all this cold, cursing my lecturers in min and fir ever making swimming a compulsory exam,I made to start coming out when my trainer shouted @ me to remain there and continue walking , I obeyed reluctantly. Next he said we should form a circle and take the breath challenge which was to deep our heads in the water and hold our breath while he counted. Before the count of 3 my head was up in a rush and he shouted at me to get out and leave the others to continue.


Ouch! That hurt bad . I felt so down cast so I made up my mind to stop being a jelly and be a fish. I told him I would like to give it a try again and this time i got to 12, when my mates were reaching 60 but at least it was better than 3, I consoled myself.
I then knew I had to fight it , how was I going to swim if I can't hold my breath under water. I became determined and on trying again made up to 23 counts I was happy and he allowed me to move on to the next learning phase which was flapping my feet . It took several attempts too but I perfected this and to the swimming itself I was able to dive well with my height as an advantage. Then gradually, gradually I was swimming. Yes!! I did it. I felt so good and proud of myself.......

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