How Vlogging on Dtube has Helped Me Advance in my Career

Hi Friends!

I want to talk a little about how vlogging everyday on Dtube for the last five months has had a really positive impact the value I can bring to my day job. I really do think that getting comfortable in front of the camera can have a lot of positive benefits for multiple areas of life! I have personally found that my public speaking skills have also improved by vlogging - simply because I am getting better at speaking.

What is my Day Job?

I work as an account manager in sales. What is really cool is that a couple years ago I was working in Customer Care, but I saw a need in the organization that I knew I could fill. It took about a year to get approved – but they have now created a position specifically for me based on my recommendations.

Formerly, our sales reps handled all of the accounts in their geographic territory – no matter what size they were. What I noticed, is that these reps were really overworked and thus spent almost all of their time focusing on their top accounts. This made a lot of sense because that is where the money is! They each had troves of smaller “mom and pop” shops that really never got any attention or service. The reps simply didn’t have time to visit them.

I suggested that we create an internal position that handles all of these smaller accounts and works with them remotely using phone an email communication. Even though they wouldn’t have a rep who could physically step into their store – they would getting a much higher level of service – which should help these accounts grow and add the bottom line of the company.

It’s been fun to work with these accounts, and see the positive impact that a higher level of service has yielded. I quickly became aware that training and new product training would be a challenge to accomplish via email and phone though.

So I started making videos to cover these topics!

My first few videos were super rough as I worked through my nerves on camera! Since I’ve started vlogging though – the quality of my videos has dramatically increased! In fact, they are now using me to film training videos for our top accounts because they have seen the value they can bring.

Vlogging Has Opened more Doors for My Career

Like I just mentioned, I went from filming quick, informal videos for my small accounts – to being recognized by top management. They are now viewing my videos as a huge resource for the organization. Not only am I filming training videos for our top accounts – but I have filmed product pitch videos that has brought in huge orders and really increased revenue.

They have invested in higher quality film equipment – and we actually just developed a specific film studio in our main headquarters where I work. As a company, we are starting to utilize live streaming more often as well.

In fact, what sparked the idea for this video was that last week I got a last minute request to do a 30 minute live streamed presentation. Yikes! Even though I was nervous… my vlogging experience allowed me to handle the situation with grace.

Let’s Make More Videos… I’m Rooting For You!

What’s the point of me sharing this? I know a lot of people who have dabbled with vlogging, or haven’t started yet - but want to. I think that video content is really the way of the future, and the more video content we can produce here on the platform – the faster Steemit will grow!

Not only that, but I really do think there is a lot of value in improving your speaking skills. Not only have I been able to bring value to the company I work for, but it also helped me to give a better presentation at the Steem Creators Conference. You really never know how or where this skill will come in handy.

I love you guys and I’m rooting for you! Whenever I see a video of someone putting themselves out of their comfort zone – it seriously makes me want to give them a hug, an upvote and a super encouraging comment! I know what it feels like to sound nervous or look awkward on camera – but it’s so worth pushing through that fear!

Thanks so much for watching! If you have any thoughts or comments from this vlog, please feel free to leave them below. <3



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