Viva Las Vegan! Good signs. Pop culture spoiler.




Took Mom to Movie. Kingsman 2! Where I got title line from! Could say it's a suck ball show yet gained much cultural symbolism from it!! Had some new age synchronistic efeects on me! I call mine New Rage!


First off I really enjoyed the first Kingsman movie! Highly entertaining and funny. Or is it I just grew up and don't know how to relate. Ahh that's where it gets great where I scoop up the comic by the book details!


Elton John was in it!!! And heard David Bowie Rocketman song! Reminds me of Trump calling Kim Rocketman recently. It's a Satanic Hollywood Easter Egg!!!


The Kingsman name hmmm, been going on the king theme lately. Jeff Bridges was in the movie!! Bridges was also in the movie The Fisher King with Robin Williams! That movie meant allot to me cause I have a parent with mental illness and Robin Williams did a superb job playing that type of character in The Fisher King. It's why I respect Williams as an actor!...for me I want to have a rap alias called Kynge Arthur!!! I've seen the signs, blessed! I'm a rapper now!!!! And rock and roller!!!


The movie had the president being like the dictator of phillipines letting all drug addicts die from their life situation of being an addict. Later the president was jailed. Sick how Trump said the leader was doing a great job killing all the addicts. Trump the sick fuck puppet. Send the fucking Kingsman after that hater troll already! Hah! Kill em all with kindness and humour!


Watch movies but don't be brainwashed! Dissect them! Hollywood movies tell you about our culture! Gives you insight into only a version of The Mass Mind. It's not reality but it's kinda like you can learn what you think they want you to learn. Worlds stupid I'm afraid, and you can get the gist just by paying attention to the advertising! Ads tell you more about culture than even the movie! More on that next time!

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