Vitamin D and Illness

Vitamin D has long been known to be an important factor in human health. And specifically related to respiratory illnesses, such as seasonal flu and colds, it's been shown to help the immune system be stronger and more effectively fight off these illnesses.

This has long been established. But in 2020 when the Event 201 response was applied to the predicted novel coronavirus pandemic, talking about vitamin D being a proven treatment for respiratory illnesses like coronavirus is became sensored and even criminalized by the FBI and Department of Justice in the United States.

Big tech was all too willing to censor any claims of vitamin D helping to boost your immune system. Nothing other than government approved propaganda was allowed to be spoken in claims of helping you fight off COVID-19. Even a study done in 2020 showing a positive correlation between sufficient vitamin D levels and a reduction in mortality was not allowed.

Science was not allowed. Only the science they wanted to tell you about, or fake science that they wanted you to believe was science, was allowed. Anything else that could dissuade you from seeing vaccines is the only hope in solution was quickly shunned and decreed as fake news, disinformation or misinformation.

But you can't censor reality forever, as long as there are people who are capable of analyzing reality and demonstrating what is going on in reality. You might build to censor it on your platform that wants to censor it, but the data once published can be found in journals and publications for others to read.

Luckily for us, a recent publication in the Journal nutrients of October 2021 once again showed an inverse COVID-19 correlation between mortality and vitamin D3.

COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status, and a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D3: Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Studies aim was to collect evidence about whether low D3 is caused by an infection or the opposite if low D3 leads to a higher susceptibility of infection.

Systematic literature search was performed to identify retrospective cohort as well as clinical studies on COVID-19 mortality rates versus D3 blood levels. Mortality rates from clinical studies were corrected for age, sex, and diabetes. Data were analyzed using correlation and linear regression. Results: One population study and seven clinical studies were identified, which reported D3 blood levels preinfection or on the day of hospital admission.

Turns out that all the evidence strongly shows that low D3 is a predicated of infection rather than a side effect being caused by an infection.

The datasets provide strong evidence that low D3 is a predictor rather than just a side effect of the infection. Despite ongoing vaccinations, we recommend raising serum 25(OH)D levels to above 50 ng/mL to prevent or mitigate new outbreaks due to escape mutations or decreasing antibody activity.

Looking at the data, the researchers concluded that if everyone had a 50 ng/mL level of D3, it could theoretically achieve zero COVID mortality. You could essentially stop people from dying from a respiratory infection, allegedly from COVID-19, if they just had high enough levels of vitamin D3.

Think of all the people who wouldn't be in the hospital, wouldn't be part of the alleged death counter of dying from COVID-19. The fear porn with all these inflated and concocted numbers would be greatly reduced in people would have a more rational mindset to operate from in order to assess the reality of the threat from the novel coronavirus.

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