Testimony of cancer survivor Sandy - "Vitamin B17 saved my life!!!!" UPDATE

​hi everyone its sandy again a lot of
people have asked me to do an update on
how I'm doing it's been seven months
since I got my last PET scan and they'd
like to know how my treatments are going
naturally my natural treatments are
going they're going great because I
honestly don't feel like I'm being
treated I'm just taking my b-17 I have
to keep taking it I'm taking this um
twice a day it's 500 milligrams I
wouldn't say that b-17 or laetrile what
which is also what it's called I
wouldn't say it's a cure for cancer
I'd say it's more of a control because I
have to stay on this stuff I will not be
able I met a lot of cancer patients who
had cancer from radiation from previous
cancers and I've had a ton of radiation
so I one lady it took seven years for
her the radiation to create cancer in
her body so after she used it the first
time so yeah I'm gonna be on it for a
while um I might think okay so I've got
a list of questions from somebody let's
see they want to know what the side
effects are the b-17 I'm taking there
are none well it's increased my appetite
that might not be a good thing for some
folks but if you're going through cancer
and you've lost a lot of weight like me
that would be a good thing um they asked
if I had any reoccurrences of the cancer
no um it's seven months since I got my
PET scans and I am living my life like
my doctor told me to um he might infect
my oncologist wants nothing more to do
with me because I'm able to treat my own
cancer and his stuff isn't working
he's got chemo and radiation offer so um
he he doesn't really want to see me
anymore and it scared me and I went to
family physician and was crying to him
about it because you know I don't have a
doctor you know what am I going to do
and my family was physician started
laughing and sit and said sandy that's
actually a good thing that your
oncologist doesn't want to see you
anymore so anyway he's been very
supportive my family physician and he
laughs at the fact that people say
apricot kernels b-17 is toxic anyway um
let's see then a natural experience
versus conventional just some people
want proof that I had cancer I guess um
this is a scar from my PICC line on if
you can see that um I had that it kind
of goes up into my neck as well I don't
know if you can see that and then I've
got the scar from my first PICC line
that was the first one I had and um
anyway those are my pick lines I also
have tattoos what they do is they put
tattoos on you when they're going to do
radiation and these are my tattoos see
the little dot and there's more I can't
move it the right direction because on
the video it goes the opposite way
anyway so I've got these tattoos so they
would know where to radiate me um I have
and this is these are my side effects
from the conventional treatments I a
severe dry mouth now I always have to
have water because my salary grande
glands had been destroyed hold on and um
that was from radiation and chemo um
anyway I'm doing fine and I can give you
more details on how I got this cancer in
another video um it wasn't from smoking
or anything I never and that was one
thing that was upsetting I never smoked
never drank you know never did any of
those things and here I get this
horrible disease um but I'm doing great
I'm living my life I have my four kids
that I'm taking care of and they're
happy to have their mom back and my
husband's have happy
have his wife back so in fact it was
because of him that I know about b-17
and that I'm now well so he's my hero so
see you later I'm gonna go live my life

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