Vitamin D deficiency is associated with late child walking


Mothers may be very concerned when their baby is late, especially after the age of one and a half years. There are many reasons behind this symptom, given the different structure of children from each other, genetic factors and nutrition, sometimes psychological or This article provides an overview of the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and delayed walking in children.
The most important vitamins needed by fetuses and infants
1 - Pregnant mother needs full nutrition, full of nutrients, especially during the first months of pregnancy, to provide the fetus with the necessary nutrients, for healthy growth, especially folic acid necessary for mental development and vitamin A, and vitamin B,

  1. The World Health Organization recommends that children aged 6 months and up to five years be given doses of dietary supplements in the form of drops with adherence to the doses taken, depending on the age of the child.

3 - Avoid giving the child two doses of dietary supplements, in one to avoid any health problem for him.

  1. The mother should make sure to provide healthy and varied meals, to ensure that children have enough vitamins to grow, and develop properly.

Importance of vitamin D for children
This vitamin is one of the best vitamins, which helps the child to walk at an early age, because of its ability to strengthen the muscles of the body of the child.

1 - addresses the various problems related to balance and walking, so should not be concerned and address it in quick and simple ways.

Vitamin D helps children to walk, so doctors recommend it to children since birth.

  1. Taking small doses of vitamin D protects the child from delayed walking and increases bone strength.

4 - helps to grow teeth healthy and protect from corrosion.

5 - In the case of delay of the child to walk or love, should be conducted medical tests to know the level of vitamin in the body of the child.

  1. If the tests show a vitamin deficiency, the child should be treated as soon as possible.

Treatment of vitamin D deficiency in children

  1. Vitamin D deficiency is treated by administering more than 600 national units of vitamin D daily.

2 - The child can address this quantity through food that has high rates of vitamin D, such as:

_ Fish

_ eggs

_ Mushrooms

_ Mackerel

_ Sardines

  1. The child must be exposed to sunlight at different times of the day, for at least a quarter of an hour a day.

  2. Children should be given adequate amounts of baby milk, powdered milk, breakfast cereals, dairy products and soybeans for containing plenty of nutrients and beneficial ingredients for growth.

Calcium relationship with vitamin D
1 - Maybe the child needs vitamin D only, but sometimes requires calcium, when it is low in the blood.

2 - It is not recommended to add calcium without a general examination, blood and make sure the proportion of calcium and vitamin D in the body of the child.

3 - It is also advisable to consult with the competent doctor to ensure that there is no health or membership problem behind the delayed growth.

4 - The problem of delayed walking is not a big problem, at all in children, except if the child delayed walking until the age of the year and a half, in this case must be complete blood tests to reduce the aggravation of the problem, and identify appropriate treatment methods.

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