Tracking user behavior on the site

Have you launched traffic to the site, but do not know how users behave on it? Where do they click, what do they read, why do they leave? Knowing all this, you can make the site almost perfect.

Starting an online business does not take much time and effort. Everything happens, in fact, in 3 simple steps:

Offer packaging → Traffic attraction → Sales

With the help of this chain, you can check the relevance and relevance of your product / service and earn the first money. But in order to seriously increase the result, the business needs to be regularly tightened up. Carefully select the target audience, change traffic sources, write effective sales scripts.

But it all starts first of all with the refinement of the selling resource. The right site with powerful triggers and leverage is good at converting visitors into buyers. Imagine you spend the same money on advertising, but earn 50-100%.

Isn't it cool?

But in order to know what to improve specifically on the site, you need to determine exactly how users behave on it . Think it's difficult? Hmm, to some extent yes. But who said doing business online is easy?

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