Employer-Sponsored Visa 186 - See Advantage of ENS subclass 186 Visa

The Visas -186 or the Subclass 186 are a great way for skilled people to use it as an opportunity to live in Australia permanently. It is for people who are temporarily working or they live with his/her families in the country, also temporarily and also for those who are currently residing in another country and wish to pursue higher education or work in Australia to settle there.

To obtain this visa and to reside in Australia, a person can only be eligible if he or she has a required skill for Australia or is being nominated by their employer in Australia, which is also called the ENS-Employer nomination scheme visa.
The above-stated visa provides permanent residency to the person and their family members. The time taken for processing this visa would be up to 8 months. It must be noted that there are 2 streams under Visa Subclass 186 that have their own individual process of registration and criteria for eligibility, which should be kept in mind.

Temporary Residence Transition Stream (TRT) - PR

Individuals or persons who have a 457 visa before a specific date and also meet the eligibility criteria for PR have the chance of getting this visa. If a person holds a 457 visa and has completed a work experience of two years with a single company that sponsored their 457 visa, then there could be a possibility to be entitled to receive a TRT (Temporary Residence Transition Stream) within the ENS or the subclass 186. Follow all the regulations that have been laid down in order to obtain the visa. Following are the requirements that can be stated as the eligibility criteria or procedures for obtaining a PR under the scenario where a person holds a 457 visa before 18 April 2017:

• The holder of the 457 Visa must have worked for at least two years under the same employer on that visa
• The age of the person should be less than 50 years
• Experience of at least two years is mandatory for a skilled worker on a 457 visa
• A minimum score of 6.0 on every band in the English IELTS or even equivalent test points are necessary for the applicant
• The person should have received a salary payment which is at least the same as mentioned in their nomination letter for 457 visas.

In the case of 457 visas granted post 18 April 2017, the PR eligibility criteria are as under:
• The person must have worked for at least two years under the sponsor of his 457 visa
• The age of the person should be less than 50 years
• Experience of at least two years is mandatory for a skilled worker on a 457 visa
• A minimum score of 6.0 on every band in the English IELTS or even equivalent test points are necessary for the applicant
• The person should have received a salary payment which is at least the same as mentioned in their nomination letter for 457/TSS.

In the case of 457 visas being lodged post 18 April 2017, the eligibility criteria for Permanent residency under the MLTSSL (Medium and Long-term Strategic Skill list) occupation are as under:
• The person must have worked for at least three years under the sponsor which is same as the one that sponsored his 457 visa
• The age of the person must be less than 45 years
• Experience of at least three years is mandatory for a skilled worker on a 457 visa. His occupation should be the same for all these years.
• A minimum score of 6.0 on every band in the English IELTS or even equivalent test points are necessary for the applicant
• The person should have received a salary payment which is at least the same as mentioned in their nomination letter for 457/TSS.

Requirements for Business Nomination - TRT Stream

Payment of salary should be on par with the market salary by an employer to an employee for hiring them as a full-time employee. The employer should also display as evidence sufficient funds for training that would depend on who the firm employs among permanent residents and citizens of Australia.

DE (Direct Entry Stream) -Permanent Residency

Workers that are skilled and other individuals who are on a 417 (Working Holiday) visa, 462 (work and holiday) visa or on a student visa who wish to obtain a PR would be eligible for a DE (Direct Entry) visa in Australia.
• To be able to apply for 186 or DE visa, the applicant's occupation must be on the MLTSSL list, otherwise, they wouldn't be eligible to apply.
• The age of the person must be less than 45 years
• Experience of at least three years where the occupation must not have changed must be proved
• A minimum score of 6.0 on every band in the English IELTS or even equivalent test points are necessary for the applicant
• The salary of the job must be at the correct level

An ENS Visa 186 Provides Benefits To The Subclass 186 Visa Applicant:

A professional migration agent adelaide can help an applicant out in many ways. There are various benefits in the above-mentioned case:
• There are no location restrictions for ENS applicants
• Post the grant date of the Employer-sponsored (186) visa, the employer would have no powers to cancel it
• There would be no visa obligations once the ENS (186) visa has been granted.

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