virtual tours vs photo galleries - why virtual tours will replace most photo galleries on most websites in most businesses and how to make money out of it

Meanwhile virtual tours are common and often well known and promoted in real estate to better show a nice property for sale or rent, vitual tours are totally underestimated and unnoted by most other business owners as wonderful marketing tool for their websites. 

Expedia study has shown excellent results for those hotels that have used virtual tours to promote their facilities and rooms (holiday inn was subject to the study). Better conversion rates, clients stayed and viewed significantly longer the websites where virtual tours where exposed, increasing booking rates up to 45% versus regular photo galleries among other advantages. 

People just love the visual tour. As to pictures , viewers often are in fear of that reality does not match pictures. 

Which is true for hotels and vacation rental properties certainly goes for most other businesses as well: Art galleries are a perfect example. On a virtual tour people are able to explore day and night the gallery, as they would be there. But not ony that, as well one of the great features that comes along with the tour is that you are able to highlight certian paintings, products, whatever. Not to mention that it goes with the most beautiful music along with the tour. 

A mind once streched by a new idea or experience, never goes back to its origen dimensions. That is so true when it comes to virtual tours. Would you go back to a photo gallery, if you had experienced a virtual tour in a car shop, art gallery, furniture store, travel agency, museum, even a candy store ????....

Having that said. There is a huge opportunity to make money with virtual tours now. Easy and almost at no cost at all. If you are living in germany, get in touch with me and i show you how. As for everyone else.  IF you want to know more about it, write me at

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