VIPER | Cybernetika Management Framework



We're proud to announce that our team have engaged the means of providing our application the resource to apply an efficient management over the community trough protection and fairness systems embed in our application in order to improve the quality of the overall community knowledge, the ease of gathering a great audience in respect with the value provided by your content along with the increased difficulty to negatively affect the community, such as by playing on human cognitive bias and trickery as deception.

Vipers' goal is to provide the greatest quality, diversity, and relevance in the field of information and therefore the science of communication and interconnections is very valued for our project with fairly is interconnected with the greatness of your witting and production.

This framework provide the basis for an advanced society and community guidance based on evolutionary constraints and community self-regulation. We've chose to make this document open-source and is part of our sub-project called KeeB in which you can download the document "Cybernetika.pdf"

Concerning viper

Stability, performances, and details are being improved. This framework is being redesigning our marketing and other sub-systems performance for the achievement of our goals described above.

VIPER stand for a better world with more equal opportunities trough a fluid access to high quality free worldwide education and unbiased knowledge materials while reinforcing diversity and freedom of opinion.

Best Regards,

Viper's, Vortex's, and Esteem8's team

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