Meme the News- 5/7/18 - it gets a little heavy at the end...

You wanted memes. I have memes to offer. You wanted news and views. I deliver. I'm here to help you, but understand that Meme the News is likely to cause cognative dissonance, kidney infatuation, and abdominal lubrication.

On a side note at the very end of this there is some pedogate stuff that's hard to watch. Might want to prep yourself some for what's going to be exposed on a massive scale in the not too distant future.


Maybe we shouldn't just go along with them

nice protest you got there

3rd wave... can't wait for the fourth

still waiting

Mind Blown

seems like a nice girl


Now you'll listen

HRC email... thanks wikileaks

how to crush Africa

HRC in New Zealand with their PM



Think people

even 1/10 would be enough


Obviously it's not the real BC, but lol\

This one is aging pretty good

Nice kid...


Let me explain

Trigger warning for the people

The Great Hall at Sydney University is where I witnessed the most heinous human sacrifice of all time. It was the flaying of a 5 year old boy. Little blonde boy. Anthony Kidman (Nicole Kidman's father) and 4 other men were dressed in multicolored robes, according to the colors on their pentagram. They crucified the 5 year old boy and flayed his skin and pinned it back. They did it while he was alive. After they did that they strung him up over the stage of the great Hall. Nicole Kidman was sitting in the front, to the left of the stage. Quite a number of university staff, were involved. The coven was run by Anthony Kidman (Nicole Kidman's father)." This quote is roughly at 1hr and 5 min into the video below.

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