Great video games copy their ancestors

 Good artists copy, great artists steal. T.S.Eliot In 2016, videogames were billing more than one billion euros in Spain, surpassing cinema and music (JUNTOS) and almost half of what LaLiga generated.

However, and despite its stability, the video game is a volatile market. Video games are in continuous development and evolution. The games of five years ago have nothing to do with those of now, nor will they resemble those we played in 2022. Five years ago there were no Battle Royale games and now we are flooded. Phrase said by Francisco Javier Arévalo. It's true the Battle Royale has already flooded us and now it's the subject of the moment.



There is always one that copies blatantly, but that is not usually a great success

The Candy Crush phenomenon copies his idea of

a 2001 video game called Bejeweled. Minecraf copied his idea of

Infiniminer that was born in 2009, which gave him an accessibility tone and made his leap to fame. League Of Legends and Overwatch take their DOTA dynamics, a mode that was born in Warcraft III.

"The developers take ideas that already exist and contribute their grain of sand. There is always someone who copies blatantly, but that is not usually a great success. " Francisco Javier Arevalo.



A clear example of the importance of literature in video games is that of Fornite. His inspiration comes from PUBG, which is part of the battle royale genre mentioned above, It started being a game "Survival" in which you have to save the world from the "Cascaras" (Zombies). Seeing the success of PUBG, in which they fight in a battle in which there can only be one, they applied this game model to their creation and began to make history. But neither of us created this dynamic, it all comes from a Japanese novel called "Battle Royale". I leave.


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