Skin is beautiful and beautiful, girls need gentle hydration

Protecting the skin is every girl’s bedtime homework, and more girls are not only nursing health, but also want the skin to become white and tender, and can whiten the gloss, which is also a lot of skin care products are committed to upgrading their products. direction. Asian girls’ skin is mainly yellow, and if it is maintained, it is easy to appear dull, and it is easy to appear gray. Therefore, whitening has long been one of the skin care effects pursued by girls.

How to truly whiten, the first is to scientifically realize how white you can be. The gene determines that the girl’s skin can’t be white without limit, and can only reduce some of the acquired pigmentation. The skin color of the chest is the ultimate effect that girls can achieve after whitening, so those skincare products that are extremely white can be over-promoted, or use irritating ingredients to achieve whitening effect. Some gentle whitening is not ineffective, but the cycle is longer, and girls need more patience to wait for the effect.

The skin is always moist during the process, and it will make the effect look whiter. Just like the cells are full of water after washing their face, they become white and clear. At this time, the skin condition is very good, but it is difficult to maintain for a long time. The most basic role of the essence of water is to maintain the moisture of the skin, leaving the skin long-lasting to maintain a bright luster.

The more moisture enters the deeper layers of the skin, the better the effect and the more nutrients it can. This has a lot to do with the quality of skin care products, and it also has a lot to do with the skin care techniques of girls. Covering with a hot towel for 10 seconds when the skin is clean can improve the absorption capacity of the skin. Gently apply the lotion and apply it on the skin with a warm palm to allow the skin to penetrate faster.
The repairing ability of the girl’s skin is slowly decreasing. It will turn white soon after tanning, but you will find that it recovers more slowly and slowly, and some will precipitate into permanent pigments, so whitening needs to be done as soon as possible. It maintains the whiteness of the skin.

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