The best fighting scenes of cinematography. Yip Man.

 Hello! I  decided to make a branch from my main theme "Love to Fighting", and I  will talk about movies and cartoons in which I really liked the combat  choreography. And I'll start perhaps with one of the most famous characters who taught even more famous Bruce Lee-Yip Man! 

 Yip Man is the first representative of the Chinese martial arts, who began to openly educate people and organize schools. Yes it was forbidden to teach martial arts openly, these were only the clans that trained their fighters. His style was Wing Chun. Many  representatives of other styles believed that this is exclusively a  female form of combat, but Yip Man proved the opposite to everyone. This  style does not involve great physical abilities, it is based almost on  defensive techniques and dodges, but its attacking blows are numerous  and precise. This compensates for the reduced use of physical strength.

The training of Bruce Lee spread the popularity of this style and the Yip Man himself beyond the borders of China. On  the wave of popularity, and paying tribute to such an outstanding  person, several very popular films were shot, in which the main  character was Ip Man. His role was played by the chic actor Donnie Yen, who in my opinion perfectly suited this role. 

 At the end of my narrative, I want to invite you to see a cutting of battle scenes with the participation of Yip Man. 

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