He's hot 🔥!! What do I do? ~ For Ladies


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  • Alot of ladies don't know what to do when they have a crush on a guy, especially when the guy doesn't make a move towards letting them know he has feelings for them.

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    Well if you are in that category, you are in luck. Because this post will let you know how to handle the situation.

    The Big Insight About this Topic

    My partner Rachael Tega introduced this topic to me, and I said to myself, 'Yeah ✌! Why not talk to the ladies about this?

    You can reach her on her facebook page through this link : Rachael Tega Oduma
    Now to the topic under discussion today.

    You would agree with me that you have come in contact with some guys that you wished had made advances to you. I'm asking you now, why don't you make advances instead?

    A guy will not notice you until you do something that will be caught by his antenna.
    Ladies in Africa, especially Akwa Ibom Nigeria,understands this principle. The Akwa Ibomites use their gift of being good in the kitchen to catch their men's stomach and heart.

    Therefore, think what to do that will draw your Man's attention.

    Finally,note that a Man or guy would not notice you until you tune to his frequency. That way you will grab hold of his attention.

    This brings us to the next post which will be posted later today, 'How To Tyne And Take Hold of His Frequency'.

    Contact Victor Love Secrets for advises : Email Victor Aniekan

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