Vice Industry Token ICO Review - Get Paid for watching porn

Vice Industry Token

DS2aKPEWAAAYzW9.jpg_large.jpg intends to disrupt and rebuild the monetization of free adult content through a better understanding of adult content users, the entire Vice Industry ecosystem and what the team describes in more detail below as the emerging Internet Attention Economy. ViceToken team intends to make the Vice Industry initially center on the monetization of Adult Pornography (Adult) content.

Vice Industry Token is a revolutionary blockchain-based solution that rewards video content creators simply for getting views on their content, with no connection to advertising revenue, or an arbitrary set of rules. It is built on the Steem blockchain, which uses a “proof of brain” algorithm to foster viewer engagement. Since the focus is to get and keep the attention of users – the better your content is, the more it will earn

The problem at hand :

The same revenue model has been in place for 100years, the audience pays to watch a piece of high quality adult entertainment. But a few decades ago, this changed as people became less inclined to pay to watch, so the media outlets started working with advertisers. This way people can now watch for free, but are bombarded with advertising, pop-ups and spam emails.

1. Too many hands in the pot

It isn’t as simple as the advertiser paying the content producer. More often, it involves the advertiser paying an advertising network. The advertising network pays the agent of the content producer. Revenue eventually trickles down to the content producer. Each of these parties along the way takes a cut. Because the content producer often does not control or own the distribution network, very little of the revenue is shared with the content producer. Instead of improving the quality of content production, the current business frustrates producers and reduces the incentive to create quality content as net revenues dwindle to nothing. This is a problem for content producers VS Tube sites globally.

2. It’s not about the viewer

Since the viewer isn’t paying for content, advertisers call the shots. This includes having a say in what content is sponsored. What content is made available for free is primarily left up to advertisers. The viewer may have the benefit of getting to watch video content for free but it won’t probably be exactly what the viewer wants to watch. Today, viewer interests are a secondary concern at best.

3. Limited user engagement

While most video platforms show ads, this doesn’t necessarily mean viewers watch ads. Viewers often switch windows or use ad blocking software. Viewers even skip and may not even watch an ad. As a result, the value advertisers get for their advertising dollars is questionable. As a direct consequence, ad costs may go down Today, the ad-supported free viewing model is the Internet industry standard. However, there are three major problems with this model in its current state…but advertisers are forced to showing more ads or even lengthier ads. A failing of viewers to pay attention to ads is indeed forcing advertisers to rethink the monetization model.

The Proposed Solution

Vice team's solution to this problem is to offer a cryptocurrency token for the Vice Industry that rewards all aspects of engagement in the newly emerging Attention Economy. Built on the same base technology that powers the Steem blockchain, tokens are generated as a direct result of user engagement on a “proof of brain” basis.

“The Vice Industry Token and its blockchain will
revolutionize the entire online traffic Industry”

  • Stuart Duncan, CEO, Vice Industry Token and Blockchain”


• Jan 11 Whitelist Pre-sale
• Jan 15 Pre-sale
• Feb 1 Launch of Crowdsale
• March 1 End of crowdsale and distribution of tokens
• June 1 Launch of MainNet
• July 1 Launch of Video Token Platform.

Token Storage

Vice will have its own wallet with internal marketplace. According to the whitepaper, it will be able to trade between other currencies that are also built on the graphene/ chainbase/bitshares platforms.
By utilizing the blockchain, any viewer earns tokens for watching, any video producer earns tokens for creating content, and any content curator earns tokens for streamlining the identification of relevant content to the most important party in this equation; the viewer.

So there will be 4,000,000,000 Tokens created at the genesis block, of these 1Billion to be retained by the Parent company, 2 Billion to be sold on the crowd Sale, 600 Million for advisors, partners and presales and 400Million to be air dropped to Steem Holders at block 18500.

The token at ICO will be valued at USD$0.05 and there is a minimum purchase price of $100USD

Detailed Information

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